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Topical Solution

Repellent – Insecticide – Larvicide – Healing Agent


Its effective repellent and insecticidal action helps prevent and control flystrike and infections that can occur in accidental or surgical wounds.


Cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, goats, and dogs. Due to its “aerosol” presentation, the amount of product to be applied will depend on the complexity of the lesions.


Each mL contains:

Cypermethrin 10.53 mg, Diazinon 6.97 g, Excipients q.s. 1 mL


Spray x 100 mL

Spray x 235 mL

Spray x 500 mL


Topical, spray on the wound and adjacent surfaces, ensuring coverage of the affected area. It is recommended to apply the product until the animal has fully recovered.


Do not apply to extensive areas of lacerated skin, as it may lead to absorption and systemic intoxication. Moderately toxic product, Grade II, for external use only. Avoid splashes, contact with the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes of the operator; if contact occurs, wash with water and soap, do not use detergent. Do not ingest or inhale the product. After the container has been completely emptied, dispose of it safely. In case of intoxication, consult a physician and present this container. Store in a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 30°C, protected from light. Keep out of the reach of children and animals; do not store with food.

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