Topical Paste
Healing – Disinfectant – Repellent
Apply for the healing and disinfection of the navel and accidental or surgical wounds. Insect repellent, prevents reinfection by Cochliomyia hominivorax larvae.
Mix the contents well, clean the wound before application. Apply with the brush to the affected areas, completely covering the wound and its edges. Prevent evaporation. Keep the bottle tightly closed. Use benzene if it evaporates. Repeat the treatment until complete healing.
Each 100 g contains:
Diphenylamine 35 g, Carbon Black 20 g, Toluene 35 g, and Excipients q.s.p 100 g
Bottle of 200 g
Topical administration directly to the affected area
Avoid contact with the skin, hands, and eyes. Wash with plenty of water and soap. Do not use on dogs and cats. Store in a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 30ºC, protected from light. Keep out of reach of children and pets.
Free sale.