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Granulated Powder



Its action is effective in the prevention and treatment of chronic respiratory disease, infectious coryza, synovitis, streptococcosis, avian cholera, during growth or production periods. It can also be used as a prophylactic for infectious diseases during the reception period of newly hatched birds.



This is a macrolide antibiotic that binds reversibly to the 50S ribosomal subunit, interfering with the formation of peptide chain synthesis complexes, thereby inhibiting protein synthesis of pathogenic microorganisms.

It has the property of concentrating within macrophages and polymorphonuclear cells, which makes it effective in treating infections caused by intracellular microorganisms.

Composition: Each 1 g contains:

Erythromycin thiocyanate 110 mg, excipients q.s. to 1 g

Presentation: 10 g Sachet

Route of Administration:

Oral route, dissolve GALLIMYCIN® in water and provide as the only source of drinking water. Drinking Water: Poultry: 1 g of GALLIMYCIN® per 1 liter of water, every 24 hours for 3 to 7 consecutive days or as directed by the Veterinarian.

(Therapeutic Dose for Erythromycin: 15 – 40 mg/kg; varies depending on the water consumption in birds).


  • Do not use in egg-producing birds intended for human consumption.
  • Perform sensitivity tests for antimicrobial use whenever possible.
  • The main causes of antibacterial resistance are underdosing or overdosing. Do not administer the product after the expiration date.

Prescription only.